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Basso Piano 39 Keys

7.600,00 EUR

Basso Piano 39 keys incl. microphone system

Lieferzeit: 4-5 month


Bugari Basso inclusive orchesterline Mikrofonsystem

The Bugari Basso is one of the classics in Germany. The instrument is mostly used in accordion orchestras or in smaller formations.
We have expanded the Basso with a microphone system. The Basso microphone system orchesterline, which was developed in conjunction with the company HDS, is based on the realisation that nothing can be achieved with a single microphone for an even pickup of the bass notes. Furthermore, there is no solution that is equally suitable for all types of bass. Therefore, the orchesterline-micro is a kind of modular system consisting of standardised circuit boards with very softly suspended microphone capsules, with which an optimal sound can be achieved for basso types of any manufacturer. Depending on the instrument's design, 11 to 15 microphones with the corresponding circuit boards are installed. These are installed under the top. The Bugari bass is equipped with this system.



Now there is a new version since 2020.

Don’t panic ! All orchestras that have already installed the previous version in their bass do not need to buy the whole system again.
We have thought about how we can raise the sound to another level. What was missing was the really fat bass. The annoying fiddling around with the amplifier with bass, mids and treble has come to an end and is no longer necessary.
Why ? We don’t make the sound on the amplifier but on the instrument and that’s new!
With a balance control, which is installed on the bass, we give the bass more tongue or the absolutely fat round bass sound.
I think you have to hear it, because you can’t describe it.
The old system can be retrofitted and costs 450,-€. Come by, we always have a system ready to test.


Product description:

Model: Basso/Piano

Farbe: schwarz

Stimmplattenqualität: Dural

Anzahl Töne: 39

Gattung: chromatisch

Tiefster Ton: C

Höchster Ton: D

Chöre: 2

Breite x Tiefe x Höhe: 52 x 26,5 x 40

Gewicht: 10

Trageriemen: Leder/Samt

Koffer: incl. Koffer mit Räder

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